Teck and NANA were notified yesterday of positive COVID-19 tests for two Teck Alaska employees and one contractor at Red Dog Operations (RDO). Follow-up confirmation tests were negative for two of the workers and one close-contact employee. Results for the third employee are pending. Regardless, Red Dog is implementing response protocols to ensure that health and safety is maintained.
All three employees will be tested a third time to confirm the negative results and will remain in isolation until 10 days have elapsed from the positive result date.
Red Dog Operations is also working onsite and with public health authorities to identify and contact any persons who may have had close contact with the three individuals and is taking precautionary steps to manage the risk of transmission.
- All three employees are asymptomatic with no known symptoms associated with COVID-19 at this time.
- None of the employees have had any known exposure to people with COVID-19.
- Contact tracing is progressing, and individuals having close contact with these personnel will be placed in quarantine or the RDO worker protection program.
Workers who are not contacted by Red Dog Operations do not need to self-quarantine; however, all workers are asked to closely self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste and smell, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat). If employees experience any of these symptoms, please immediately inform your supervisor and the onsite physician assistant (PA) and take immediate steps to self-isolate.
We remain focused on safeguarding the health and safety of our employees and the communities in which they live. Red Dog has put in place comprehensive prevention measures aligned with guidance from public health authorities, including:
- Implementation of mandatory facial coverings in areas and situations where social distancing is not practicable.
- Implementation of COVID testing for all inbound personnel and additional testing of outbound regional personnel.
- All personnel with the capability to work remotely are working from home, based on the needs of each respective team.
- Enhancing cleaning and disinfecting protocols, including frequent disinfecting of employee buses and work areas.
- Increasing social distancing practices at site, including reducing the number of passengers on buses and planes; separating groups of employees at work; cancelling large group meetings; changing meetings from in-person to electronic, and modifying eating areas to allow for appropriate separation.
- Reducing or eliminating in-person meetings and other large gatherings.
- Screening all employees and contractors prior to travel to site for risk factors and symptoms.
- Promoting personal preventative measures, such as frequent handwashing.
- Requiring employees who show symptoms or who have been in close contact with someone with symptoms to stay home from work and/or stay in their personnel accommodations room and contact the onsite physician assistant (PA) for an evaluation.
We will continue to closely monitor this situation.