NANA headquarters in Kotzebue and our village offices remain open, though with limited, in-person services to shareholders.
Shareholder relations coordinators in the NANA region are temporarily restricting the following services immediately:
- Home visits
- Onboarding/drug testing
- Non-NANA business in NANA offices
- All social gatherings
One-on-one, in-region meetings with shareholders must follow social distancing guidelines (maintaining six feet of distance between individuals). The shareholder relations department is also advising shareholders not to visit NANA offices if they feel ill.
NANA’s shareholder records department is taking calls, emails and faxes.
NANA continues to provide burial and medical assistance but will not be issuing checks in person. Rather, checks will be mailed to shareholders or directly deposited into a bank account.
Shareholders may contact shareholder relations by calling (907) 442-3301 or (800) 478-3301 or emailing